The Pyramid of Success
The Pyramid of Success
25 Blocks
John Wooden
Block 1 ~ Industriousness
"There is no substitute for work. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning."
This term refers to being an industrious person. Which means to be a hard working committed person. To be quite honest, I'm not so sure what the real meaning is behind this statement. I'm assuming that it refers to doing your best when it comes to your responsibilities. For example, your job, your school etc.

Block 2 ~ Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins." You have to be excited and optimistic when it comes to your success. You have to find the career that makes you enthusiastic. This is the beginning of your journey to success. you have to first find that enthusiasm before you go any further. This gives you the foundation of your success.

Block 2 ~ Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins." You have to be excited and optimistic when it comes to your success. You have to find the career that makes you enthusiastic. This is the beginning of your journey to success. you have to first find that enthusiasm before you go any further. This gives you the foundation of your success.

Block 3 ~ Friendship
"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort." The two qualities of Friendship that are so important are respect and camaraderie. It's very important to keep in mind that we all need powerful relationships around us.
Block 4 ~ Loyalty
"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect." There are different types of loyalty. Loyalty could be when you're in a relationship and you only focus on your significant other. Although most people don't know that type of loyalty. You also have to be loyal to yourself. You have to know who's worth your time and who actually is just a waste of time. You also have to stay loyal to your dreams and your goals.
"Honesty and loyalty are key. If two people can be honest with each other about everything, that's probably the biggest key to success."
~ Taylor Launter
"I have my own high standards for what I want in a partner and how I want to be treated. I bring a lot to the table. I'm not talking about material things but what I have to offer as a person - love and loyalty and all the things that make a good relationship.
~ Jennifer Lopez
Block 5 ~ "With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way. " You are not the only person with good ideas. Others too have brains. In order to reach your organization's full potential there must be Cooperation. Working together with others requires teamwork. If you wish to be heard, listen.
Cooperation means working together in all ways to accomplish the common goal. It also allows individuals to move forward together instead of going off in different directions. Two horses pulling a wagon must move in the same direction or the wagon does not move.
I wish I had played team sports. I think every kid should. Teamwork builds character - teaches people about leadership and cooperation.
~ Mo Rocca
Block 6 ~ Ambition
(For noble goals)
“Be more concerned with what you can do for others than what others can do for you—you’ll be so surprised at the results.”
Under each piece of mortar on the Pyramid, in parentheses, there is some brief application advice for that mortar. In the original Pyramid under ambition, the application advice said, “properly focused.” Later, Coach changed the application advice for ambition to say, “for noble goals.” Coach’s motivation for the change is clear: He wanted to make certain that we understand that our ambition is “properly focused” when it is for a “noble goal.” A goal is noble when its accomplishment benefits others. Coach Wooden had great ambition as a coach. He wanted to win a national championship, but that was not his goal. His goal was to get the best possible players and help them become the best players and citizens. He also wanted them to improve as a team. Coach liked to refer to the championships as “icing on the cake,” while reminding us that “doing our best” was the cake.
Block 7 ~ Self Control
"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential." Coach Wooden chose to direct his definition of self-control at the individual by urging him or her to “Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgment and common sense are essential.” He later elaborated on the importance of the trait by pointing out its role in making all other aspects of leadership more effective: “Self-control, regardless of what we are doing, whether it involves a physical act or a mental decision, must be maintained to produce desirable results. If emotion takes over, reason usually flies out the window and the acts or decisions are not likely to be as productive as they should be.”
Block 8 ~ Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."
You have to constantly pay attention to what’s going on around you. Be on the lookout for new paradigms which help you understand changes and take advantage of them.
Wooden talks about being quick to spot weaknesses – in yourself and in your competition. If it’s your own weakness, eradicate it rapidly. If your competition exhibits a weakness, move swiftly to take advantage of it.
Observe successful people and figure out how to emulate them. If you constantly look for ways to improve yourself, you’ll continually grow. That’s how you find meaning in what you’re doing, which makes you feel more alive.
John Wooden was arguably the best coach in the history of college basketball. He developed the Pyramid of Success, a wonderful tool to succeed bigg in any endeavor you choose.
So far, we’ve looked at the five blocks that form the foundation of the Pyramid – from left to right –Industriousness, Friendship, Loyalty, Cooperation, and Enthusiasm. Then, we started the second row and have looked at the two outer blocks – Self-control on the far left and Intentness on the far right.
Now we’ll look at the middle-left block of the second row, sitting above Friendship and Loyalty.
Block 9 ~ Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."
From Coach John Wooden's pyramid of success:
Initiative means having the courage to make decisions and take action. Simple as that. Keep in mind that we all are going to fail at times. You must understand this and not fear failure. None of us is perfect. But if you are afraid to fail you will never do the things you are capable of doing.
If you have thoroughly prepared and are ready to give it everything you've got there is no shame if you fail - nothing to fear in failure. But fear of failure is what often prevents one from taking action - from using initiative.
Failure to act - lack of initiative - is the greatest failure of all.
Block 9 ~ Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."
From Coach John Wooden's pyramid of success:
Initiative means having the courage to make decisions and take action. Simple as that. Keep in mind that we all are going to fail at times. You must understand this and not fear failure. None of us is perfect. But if you are afraid to fail you will never do the things you are capable of doing.
If you have thoroughly prepared and are ready to give it everything you've got there is no shame if you fail - nothing to fear in failure. But fear of failure is what often prevents one from taking action - from using initiative.
Failure to act - lack of initiative - is the greatest failure of all.
Sometimes i feel i show initiative...regularly at school, occasionally at home. but i could definitely show more initiative all around, mostly in my personal life. the result of not going after what you want is sad. life just passes you by and you haven't asked for or made strides toward the life you want.
Block 10 ~ Intentness
"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations and being determined and persistent."
On John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success there is the word, Intentness by which Coach Wooden has put the words, “The ability to resist temptation and stay with your course, concentrate on your objective and be determined to reach your goal.” Intentness is a vital quality for success. Intent comes for the latin word meaning to strain, stretch. It is the ability to focus with eager and undivided attention on your task. According to research, attention span increases based on how much a person enjoys the task they are focusing on. Fatigue, hunger, noise and stress can inhibit intentness. Coach Wooden once summarized this concept as “patience with action”—that is, having the determination, stamina and resolve to stay the course when things aren’t going well. A great leader not only has intentness as an individual character trait, but also builds and coaches his or her team or organization in a manner that promotes and encourages intentness from all team members
Block 11 ~ Sincerity
On the right side of the Pyramid of Success, below patience, there are four additional pieces of mortar: sincerity, honesty, reliability and integrity. These are qualities that, together, encompass the genuineness, strength and impact of human character. In his book Coach Wooden’s Pyramid of Success, with Jay Carty, Coach Wooden defined sincerity and its importance in the following manner:
“Friendship, loyalty, cooperation and team spirit each occupy building blocks in the Pyramid of Success. What do these blocks say about success? They tell us that we cannot become successful unless we interact with others. Sincerity is the mortar that binds together the blocks of friendship, loyalty, cooperation and team spirit. Therefore, sincerity is also necessary to reach the apex. Under each piece of mortar on the Pyramid, in parentheses, there is some brief application advice for that mortar. In the original version of the Pyramid, Coach had suggested that sincerity was a trait that “makes friends.” After revising the Pyramid years later, Coach changed the application advice for sincerity to instead read, “keeps friends.” Coach had an important motivation for this change. He wanted to make certain that we understand that sincerity will help us do something more important than simply winning over new friends—that it will, in fact, allow us to earn their trust and loyalty in such a way that we are able to maintain and grow those friendships into lasting and mutually edifying relationships.
Block 12 ~ Adaptability
On the left side of the Pyramid of Success, below faith, there are four additional pieces of mortar: ambition, adaptability, resourcefulness and fight. These are qualities that encompass the resolve, ingenuity and resilience of the human spirit.
In his book Coach Wooden’s Pyramid of Success, with Jay Carty, Coach Wooden defined adaptability and its importance in the following manner:
“Adaptability is being able to adjust to any situation at any given time.
“In life, we all know that we can only be sure of a few things, specifically death and taxes. We can also count on change. We need to recognize change, grow with it and learn from it. Since change is inevitable, people who are inflexible, bullheaded or stubborn will never make it to the apex of the Pyramid. If we want to succeed, we must readily adapt to circumstances as they unfold—this includes both what we cannot change and what will take some time to change.
“If we fail to adapt, we fail to move forward."
Block 13 ~ Condition
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."
This block sits on the left hand side of the middle row, on top of Self-Control and Alertness. Wooden emphasized to his athletes that physical conditioning wasn’t enough. They had to also prepare mentally and show moral restraint. So it is with us – we have to nourish our bodies, our minds, and our souls to be at the top of our game.
On the physical side, it’s a blend of proper rest with a regular exercise regimen and a healthy diet. On the mental side, seek to learn at least one new thing every day. Also learn how to be mentally tough so you can withstand the inevitable ups and downs.
Wooden told his young men that their condition depended on two things – how hard they worked at practice and how well they behaved when they weren’t practicing. Sounds like a great formula for all of us, doesn’t it?
Block 16 ~ Honesty
"Honesty is the best policy." (Ben Franklin)
"Honesty is the best policy." (Ben Franklin)
“Peace of mind attained only through self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you’re capable.” – John Wooden
John Wooden was a living legend. He was also one of the most successful basketball coaches of all time and he lived a simple life focusing on personal excellence, personal integrity, love, and balance.
When I first heard John Wooden during an interview, what struck me was the simple rules he lived by that helped him make meaning and find happiness. It was the first time I heard somebody say that success is “peace of mind.” His way to achieve it was simple too – give your best where you can.
What I liked most about his approach is his pattern of focusing on what you control, and realizing that the rest is a by-product that may or may not go your way. For example, you can play your best game, but still lose. You can build your character, but your reputation may not match. You can make your best plays, but that doesn’t mean the score will show it. Rather than chase or focus on the by-products, focus on the “getting there” and playing your best game, from the inside out.
It's imperative to include honesty in life. John Wooden wouldn't be the coach he is if he wasnt honest. His team wouldn't be the team they are if he wasn't the honest coach he is.
It's imperative to include honesty in life. John Wooden wouldn't be the coach he is if he wasnt honest. His team wouldn't be the team they are if he wasn't the honest coach he is.

Block 17 ~ Resourcefulness
“Make the most out of what you have.” (Anonymous)
"If you have a dream, if you have something you've always wanted to do, look within yourself because that is where resourcefulness resides; and go for it. (Jennifer Witterick)
Resourcefulness is the ability to find a way to achieve your goal or to make one. This is especially true when the goal is difficult to achieve and when little or no direction is given. Resourcefulness is the ability to think creatively, to generate ideas, and to identify alternatives. Resourcefulness is also imagination, the ability to visualize how something could be achieved when there is nothing there but the vision.
To be resourceful takes self-discipline and an iron will. First, self-discipline enables the belief that there is a way to achieve the outcome. Second, it takes an iron will to ignore the naysayers, the devil’s advocates, and those who simply lack resourcefulness themselves and so have no interest in seeing you succeed. Great salespeople are resourceful. They use their resourcefulness to find ways into prospects that others fail to uncover. Once inside, they work with their prospects to generate ideas that create a vision of how a problem may be solved or a competitive advantage might be gained—for them and for their prospect.
They find away to overcome obstacles to a deal that would otherwise be a roadblock. They identify the resources within their own company, their prospect’s company, and within their networks, and then they bring these resources to bear on the obstacles or challenges that would otherwise prevent their success.
These salespeople bring their resourcefulness to bear on their own company’s challenges, and they work with management to create the innovative solutions that win deals, grow their sales, and move their company forward
They imagine a way. Then they help create that way.
Block 18 ~ Poise
"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation."
Poise is something that is kind of hard to define. It is that intangible presence and feeling that you project when you walk into a room: the way you walk, the way you carry yourself, the thought you’ve put into your personal style. It produces positive feelings and helps others feel at ease around you. In the modeling industry, it shows confidence and makes other people want to work with you. It demonstrates that you can carry yourself well as an ambassador for a top clothing brand or a luxury jewelry company. In life it shows that you have respect and care for yourself and those around you. I have always admired the way that some people can maintain their poise when insulted or are caught in potentially embarrassing situations. Poise is essentially composure and dignity of manner which is seen in the graceful and elegant bearing of a person who possesses it. When someone with poise walks into a room, you cannot but help notice their presence. Everything about them exudes a sense of calm confidence and the impact of them upon all others is self evident. When they leave a room, the rest of the present company can find themselves secretly bowing for having attended their small gathering. Anyone who possesses perfect poise will never be placed in the embarrassing situation of ever revealing something they choose not to.
Block 19 ~ Confidence
"Thorough preparation breeds confidence" Gerald Bell in
"The Carolina Way"
In the purest sense, confidence is knowing what you're good at, the value you provide, and acting in a way that conveys that to others. Contrast this with arrogance which typically involves believing you are better in a particular area than you are, or low self-esteem which involves believing you're less valuable than you think. The closer your self-assessment is to that reality in the middle, and the more you behave accordingly, the closer you are to displaying healthy confidence.
Why does this definition matter? Because if you want to raise your confidence to a level that helps (rather than harms) you, it's important to know what you're aiming for. Blindly thinking positive won't necessarily help, and it's possible to go too far. In some cases, the latter is referred to as the Dunning-Kruger effect. Namely, it's when someone overestimates their own abilities, displaying more confidence than their skill level deserves. Confidence is one of those traits that can become an ethereal ideal that we all think is good, but ask us to point to the specific reasons why anyone should want it and we can only point to vague hypotheticals. Fortunately, science has our back. Here are just a few ways that tangibly improving your own self-confidence manifests in real world benefits:
Block 20 ~ Reliability
You cannot count on a person who is known to be unreliable to follow through on what he or she has promised to do. A person may promise to pick you up at the airport but then not show up, because "he forgot." Or a person may come to a meeting late, because she got involved in some other activity and lost track of time. A reliable person is one who has a track record of doing what he or she promised to do. If a person continually completes tasks she promised to do, she is then considered reliable. If a person has says he will show up at 10:30, and he is known to be reliable, you can count on him to be on time.
Being considered reliable means that you are conscientious and keep your promises. A reliable person does not make excuses. Being reliable is an important building block in the foundation of your life.
We have all experienced reliable and unreliable people . We admire the reliable, and avoid the unreliable. So how do you become a person worthy of admiration?
A reliable person forges deeper relationships. Relationships are built on trust; without them, they wither and die. Being reliable builds that trust – your friends and loved ones know that they can count on you to keep your word, be there when you’ll say you’ll be, and do what you say you’ll do. They feel secure that you’ll be the same person day after day, no matter what happens.
Block 21 ~ Fight
I believe that being different and unique let's a person be themselves and lead a happy more fulfilled life. People do not always choose to be the unique person that they are. People need to be themselves instead of conforming to their surroundings for whatever reasons they may have. When someone changes who they are, they lose their true individuality. If you truly enjoy something, follow that passion even if someone tells you its lame. Individuals that follow beliefs or desires go on to make world changing movements. Gandhi led peaceful protests because unfair laws and injustices were being forced upon people. Gandhi believed he could make an impact and show the world his cause with his peaceful protests. Martin Luther King Jr. did the same with his movements. He stood out from the norm and made himself known in a dangerous time. Because Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. were able to gather the courage to stand out and be different from others during their respective times, they brought about change that is still referenced today. If they hadn’t had the courage to against what was normal we would still be in the same society that was around during Martin Luther King Jr.’s time. Being yourself and standing up for what you believe in could possible lead to a new axiom amongst humans. Maybe you want to try something new that others may think is strange. If you enjoy it, do it, if you believe in it whole heartedly don’t let others convince you otherwise. Enjoy life to its fullest the way you want too. Pursue what you believe unquestioningly; don’t let anyone tell you that that what you believe is wrong or stupid continue with it. Be who you are and stand up for what you believe in.
Block 22 ~ Competitive Greatness
" Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."
Competitive people make the world go round. They're the reason you have the technology you use, the clothes you wear and the world you live in.
What most people don’t comprehend is the sheer amount of drive necessary to make a true difference.
The greatest artists, doctors, entrepreneurs, politicians, designers, engineers and architects -- you name it -- were able to get to where they are only because they were competitive.
No matter what you are trying to accomplish in life, there are thousands -- maybe even millions -- of others who are trying to do the exact same thing.
Many of us feel the pressure that competition creates every day. It pushes us to be better. And we know that by creating competition, we can push others to do incredible things as well.
Block 23 ~ Integrity
Integrity is how somebody lives their life. In this life we live, we face choices every day that only we can answer. We dictate how we run our own lives, and they way we run them defines us. Integrity is doing the right thing versus the wrong thing. People, if nothing else, can always have their pride, their integrity. It is something that means a lot to some people and then nothing to others. The ones who value their integrity highly are the good people in this world, and the opposite is true for those who do not value their integrity.
My friends and I pretty much agree what integrity is. Morals and honesty. Those are what make our society work. Without it, we have anarchy. Basic human decency helps us live in a basically good world. If we’re all forced to comply, we would have a much safer world. Nobody forces us to do anything, and that is the point. Our personal integrity can only be formed by one person: ourselves. Nobody can control out integrity. They can try to sway it (and they do almost daily), but they can not change it unless we allow it to be changed.
Block 25 ~ Patience
Importance of patience should be realized by every individual. Patience in life can make them reach out for the stars. With patience you can avoid making hasty decisions. Life is not about living in the future or in the past. Life is about accepting the present moment.
Whenever you are in any sort of trouble, people often advice you to have patience. Why is it so – instead of advising you about the solutions, they ask you to stay calm and composed and be patient?
In this modern age, most of us have forgotten to be patient and get irritated very quickly over minor things like a traffic jam, stock market ups and downs, a baby crying and such things. In fact, patience is a virtue that everybody must possess. Patience makes us better people.
Whenever you are in any sort of trouble, people often advice you to have patience. Why is it so – instead of advising you about the solutions, they ask you to stay calm and composed and be patient?
In this modern age, most of us have forgotten to be patient and get irritated very quickly over minor things like a traffic jam, stock market ups and downs, a baby crying and such things. In fact, patience is a virtue that everybody must possess. Patience makes us better people.
Patience is an important tool in overcoming frustration. Patience allows us to suspend judgment long enough to make informed decisions, thus paving the path to a happy and peaceful life.
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