The 6 attitudes of high achievers
The Six Attitudes of High Achievers
1. Make no small plans: Plan BIG
In order to be successful you have to make big steps. Like they say "Go big or go home". Basically, John is trying to make us understand that in order to be a high achiever we have to strive for the big stuff. Yes, the small accomplishments can help but the bigger ones help even more. If you look at most of your idols you will notice a certain pattern. They have all succeeded and accomplished some pretty big tasks. All those tasks got them where they are now.
2. Do What They Fear
It's always an important thing to face your fears. After all, our fear are the barriers that keep us from reaching our goal. Facing your fear is an imperative attitude because once you defeat the demons that are telling you, you can't do it, the you will rise to be a successful person. Why? Because then you know you are capable of defeating fear itself. Not only will it benefit you, but the ones surrounding you too. I used to be afraid of public speaking. It is now one of my best qualities. I overcame this fear by forcing myself to deal with this fear. I think anyone can over their fears if they put their mind to it.
3. High Achievers Are Willing To Take Risks
Failure is never always a bad thing. Something that we all need to keep in mind is that there will always be risks no matter the situation. When making big decisions it's imperative to know what risks you're taking. And more importantly if your'e willing to take them. A lot of very successful people have taken huge risks to get where they are now. When asked if they regret it, the majority of them turn out say no. Can those risks affect you in a detrimental way? Yes, possible. Can they affect you in a positive way? Of course they can. If you do end up failing taking those risks down withe you, it's important to remember that you tried. That life is not over yet.
5. High Achievers Are Teachable
In order to learn, you have to be taught. The easier it is to learn, the easier it is to teach. The benefits of being an easy learner is that it's more likely for you to b e successful. Not only that but you'll be more successful much quicker. For example, if you're a visual learner then it might be harder to learn certain thing because not everyone is a visual teacher.
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