6 rules to make people like you

                         Six Rules To Make People Like You

Rule #1

          Become genuinely interested in other people 

 If you want people to like you, it's practical for you to show that you have interest in them too. My mom has always told me to treat people how I would want to be treated. This relates to the rule because if you want people to show interest in you, it's only logical for you to show interest in them.

Rule #2


It's important make sure you give off a positive attitude. Most people don't like to be friends with people who are pessimistic. So when you smile you are giving off a friendly welcome. It just shows that you're an optimistic person. 

Rule #3

            Remember Names

It's important to remember names because its a sign of respect. It shows the person that you care enough about them that you're willing to remember their name. It's kind of like a compliment to them. Whenever people remember me i feel more intrigued to them because it makes someone special. 


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