10 Keys to Personal Power
10 Keys to Personal Power
Key 1 ~ Clarity
I think what Brian Tracy was trying to say is that, set a plan for yourself. Have a certain big goal that you're trying to reach. Have all the things you need and want in the clear or in your mind. It's important to prioritize your goals and what is going to impact you more. It helps to keep your end game in mid. What do you want in the end of everything? The first step is to create your vision. Having your vision planned out is an imperative part in obtaining personal power.

Key 4 ~ Common Sense
I think that this key is all about your mistakes. It's okay to commit mistakes as long as you learn from them, Yet you also want to avoid making so many mistakes as much as you can. Before making imperative decisions, you should always think through it first. Think about what will be the outcome of both options. Which decision will benefit you more in the future long term. It's always a good idea to listen to your gut feeling and intuition. Your intuition knows what's right and wrong most of the time so it would be really useful to rely on it sometimes. Whenever you come across a situation where you have to choose right from wrong, always think about what others would do. That is what common sense means.

Key 5 ~ Creativity
Creativity is essential to everyone. Being creative shows that you can come up with solutions when having conflict. Being creative shows that you have an open mind. Everyone can be a successful person as long as they're willing to be open minded and work hard. To be creative is to think outside of the box. You have to step out of your comfort zone in order to gain true personal power. I think what Brian Tracy is trying to show us is that we're all capable of being another Albert Einstein, just as long as we put our minds to it and really just go out of our comfort zone to try and make the right decisions.

Key 6 ~ Consideration
A huge part of being gaining personal power is knowing how to communicate well with others. You should learn how to put others into perspective and be fair. You should practice and develop listening and speaking skill so that when the time comes you can use these skill to be successful with others. Develop people skills that will help you in situations where you have to be involved with others. Taking things into consideration can mean many things.

Key 9 ~ Courage
When you are trying to reach personal power, you can not hold back! A life lived in fear is a life half lived. I've always gone and followed that saying. "The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life." We take so much of our strength and resilience for granted. Courage isn’t about being a battle-ready soldier; some days there is courage in saying, “tomorrow is another day”. We show courage on a daily basis because our lives and the lives of those we love matter to us. When we feel deeply passionate about something, we find courage easily. One needs to overcome the fear of failure in order to be successful.
Key 10 ~ Confidence
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again ." Confidence is key because it is the motivation that you need. you wouldn't be able to achieve your goals if you were always a pessimist. You have to stay confident and positive in every aspect of your life. Confidence is the driving force to personal power and building a successful and fulfilled life. Low self esteem is the one thing that can destroy us but if we obtain all these positive qualities then we can make ourselves strong enough. Another way to build self esteem in others, and to make them feel important, is to express admiration on every occasion. Make it a policy to admire people for their accomplishments, behaviors, possessions, and personality traits.

Key 2 ~ Competence
Competence is all about commitments. You have to be loyal to your plan or else everything might derail. I think it's important to be competent because when you're competent, your journey is soooo much easier for you. You have to master the field you find yourself heading into. This works both ways. In your professional life and in your personal life. If you crave personal power you have to commit to improving yourself to your extent. You should be open to letting go of bad habits in order to get where you want to be.
Key 3 ~ Concentration
I personally think what Brian Tracy is trying to say is to focus and give your full attention to your priorities. Avoid wasting time on the small things until you reach your own personal power. To ask yourself "Is this the best us of my time?" is basically you keeping yourself on check and making sure you're on the right track to personal power. I think this key/step is one that definitely helps teach responsibility. Being responsible is one of the keys to being a CTR person. So I think that taking these steps to personal power will help a lot of students, not only now but also in the future. I think making a list of the things you really need to focus on would help with this key.
Key 4 ~ Common Sense
I think that this key is all about your mistakes. It's okay to commit mistakes as long as you learn from them, Yet you also want to avoid making so many mistakes as much as you can. Before making imperative decisions, you should always think through it first. Think about what will be the outcome of both options. Which decision will benefit you more in the future long term. It's always a good idea to listen to your gut feeling and intuition. Your intuition knows what's right and wrong most of the time so it would be really useful to rely on it sometimes. Whenever you come across a situation where you have to choose right from wrong, always think about what others would do. That is what common sense means.
Key 5 ~ Creativity
Creativity is essential to everyone. Being creative shows that you can come up with solutions when having conflict. Being creative shows that you have an open mind. Everyone can be a successful person as long as they're willing to be open minded and work hard. To be creative is to think outside of the box. You have to step out of your comfort zone in order to gain true personal power. I think what Brian Tracy is trying to show us is that we're all capable of being another Albert Einstein, just as long as we put our minds to it and really just go out of our comfort zone to try and make the right decisions.

Key 6 ~ Consideration
A huge part of being gaining personal power is knowing how to communicate well with others. You should learn how to put others into perspective and be fair. You should practice and develop listening and speaking skill so that when the time comes you can use these skill to be successful with others. Develop people skills that will help you in situations where you have to be involved with others. Taking things into consideration can mean many things.

Key 7 ~ Consistency
To be consistent is to be reliable and dependable. Always keep yourself on track and hold a schedule. When you have a schedule you're basically having everything planned out and it stays consistent. It's also important to be consistent with others because it helps build trust. You can be consistent like when someone asks you for a favor, you can fulfill that favor and show that you're a reliable person.
Key 8 ~ Commitment
Commitment is all about priorities. Find whats most important and devote your entire life to it. A commitment is a binding pledge that obligates you to assume a position or carry out a course of action. Making a commitment to what you do—whether in your personal life or your professional life—is one of the most fundamental principles of success. Commitments are powerful because they influence how you think, how you sound, and how you act. Unlike a half-hearted hope or ‘best shot,’ making a commitment means that you try harder, you look for solutions when faced with obstacles, you don’t consider quitting as an option, and you don’t look back

Commitment is all about priorities. Find whats most important and devote your entire life to it. A commitment is a binding pledge that obligates you to assume a position or carry out a course of action. Making a commitment to what you do—whether in your personal life or your professional life—is one of the most fundamental principles of success. Commitments are powerful because they influence how you think, how you sound, and how you act. Unlike a half-hearted hope or ‘best shot,’ making a commitment means that you try harder, you look for solutions when faced with obstacles, you don’t consider quitting as an option, and you don’t look back
Key 9 ~ Courage
When you are trying to reach personal power, you can not hold back! A life lived in fear is a life half lived. I've always gone and followed that saying. "The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life." We take so much of our strength and resilience for granted. Courage isn’t about being a battle-ready soldier; some days there is courage in saying, “tomorrow is another day”. We show courage on a daily basis because our lives and the lives of those we love matter to us. When we feel deeply passionate about something, we find courage easily. One needs to overcome the fear of failure in order to be successful.
Key 10 ~ Confidence
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again ." Confidence is key because it is the motivation that you need. you wouldn't be able to achieve your goals if you were always a pessimist. You have to stay confident and positive in every aspect of your life. Confidence is the driving force to personal power and building a successful and fulfilled life. Low self esteem is the one thing that can destroy us but if we obtain all these positive qualities then we can make ourselves strong enough. Another way to build self esteem in others, and to make them feel important, is to express admiration on every occasion. Make it a policy to admire people for their accomplishments, behaviors, possessions, and personality traits.

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